Voice Control 2.0.0 finally released on the market.

I'm proud to announce, after more than two months of works and tests, the release on the market of Voice Control 2.0.0! A thanks is due to all beta testers that helped me on testing, translating, tuning and improving this release.

There are a lot of improvements and bug-fixes, which majors are:

    • Single sentence dictation for complex actions, that, for example, will allows to specify the contact and the message to send together in one shot.
    • An action to send emails to phone contacts
    • A lot of improvements to Russian, French and German languages, thanks to the support and effort of beta testers.

For a long and complete list, just take a look at the in-app change-log.

However, there is a lot more to do, and a lot of improvements are scheduled for future versions like:

    • Improve Voice Control usage for specific languages
    • Allows users to have more control over Voice Control customization, like the ability to change action activation texts, customize the “can speak” tones and so on
    • Allows other developers to write additional voice commands that could be plugged into Voice Control installing them from the market

And many other ideas.

Stay tuned for upcoming versions.