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Common problems

Check the FAQ page for common Voice Control problems and troubleshooting.

Custom commands integrated with Tasker

Start Voice Control

Voice Control can be started:

  • Pressing the green button on main application screen.
  • Long pressing the phone search button (only on provided phones).
  • Pressing the dedicated voice call button on the bluetooth device.
  • Pressing the application widget on phone home screen.

Once launced, the action can be spoken after earing the alert «BEEP».

Speaking and recognizing

All commands, additional informations and confirmations must be said after earing the alert «BEEP». At the end of speaking, Voice Control will continuously play two «BEEP» while recognizing the spoken text.

Confirmation request

When Voice Control is unable to correctly recognize what has been said, it will request to confirm what has been recognized. After earing the alert «BEEP», you could say Yes to confirm, No to say another command or Cancel to cancel the command and close Voice Control.

Additional information request

If an additional information has been requested, it can be sayd after earing the alert «BEEP».

Stop Voice Control

Voice Control can be stopped:

  • Pressing the red button on Voice Control screen.
  • Pressing the dedicated voice call button on the bluetooth device.

"Help" action

This action says the list of actions that can be used in current location. Is activated saying “Help”.

"What time is it" action

This action lets you know the current time and date. Is activated saying “What time is it”.

"Call" action

This action initiates a call to a contact. Is activated saying “Call [contact]” or “Call [contact] [number]” (ex: “Call Paul” or “Call Paul Mobile”).

The [contact] can be:

  • The full name displayed inside the contact list application
  • The nickname (that can be used as alternative contact name for contacts that Voice Control can't regonize correctly)
  • The name
  • The lastname

The [number] is the displayed label of a phone number as shown in a contact detail.

If Voice Control found more than one phone number, you must say which number to call after earing the list of results, saying “Result [result numer]” or directly “[result value]” without the initial number (ex: “Result 1”, “Paul mobile” or “Home”).

"Send message to" action

This action sends a message to a contact. Is activated saying “Send message to [contact]” o “Invia messaggio a [contact] [number]” (ex: “Send message to Paul” o “Send message to Paul Mobile”).

[contact], [number] and multiple results are handled like in the “Call” action.

After a contact and a number has been selected, Voice Control will requests the message text as an additional information.

"Listen to" action

This action allows to listent to a song, a playlist, an album or all songs of an artist. Is started saying “Listen to [song]”, “Listen to [playlist]”, “Listen to [album]” or “Listen to [artist]” (ex: “Listen to Digital Love”, “Listen to my playlist”, “Listen to Discovery” or “Listen to Daft Punk”).

If Voice Control found more than one result, you must specify which to use after earing the list of results, saying “Result [result number]” or directly “[result value]” as said by Voice Control witout the initial number (ex: “Result 1”, “Artist Daft Punk”).

NOTE: Playing a playlist, an album or all songs of an artist work only with Google Music Player, PowerAMP and Winamp.

"Navigate to" action

This action starts the navigator set to a destination. Is activated saying “Navigate to [destination]”.

If Voice Control found more than one destination, you must specify which one to use after earing the list of results, saying “Result [result number]” (ex: “Result 1”).

"Close navigator" action

This action stops the navigation with Google Navigator. Is activated saying “Close navigator”.

NOTE: This action uses an “hack” that may not work on all phone and Google Navigator versions.

"Lost calls" action

This action allows to manage lost calls. Is activated saying “Lost calls”.

After listening the number of lost calls, is possible to listen a lost call details saying “Call [lost call number]” (ex: “Call 1” or “Call 2”).

After listening lost call details, you can say:

  • Next” to listen details of the next lost call
  • Previous” to listen details of the previous lost call
  • Call [lost call number]” to listen details of a specific lost call
  • Recall” to recall the number of the lost call
  • Reply” to send an SMS message to the number of the lost call, saying the message when requested by Voice Control

After details of a lost call has been read, this is set as read and will not be considered if “Lost calls” action is reactivated.

"Unread messages" action

This action allows to manage unread messages. Is activated saying “Unread messages”.

After listening the number of unread messages, is possible to read a message saying “Read message [unread message number]” (ex: “Read message 1” or “Read message 2”).

After listening unread message details, you can say:

  • Next” to listen details of the next unread message
  • Previous” to listen details of the previous unread message
  • Read message [unread message number]” to listen details of a specific unread message
  • Recall” to recall the message sender
  • Reply” to send an SMS message to message sender, saying the message when requested by Voice Control

After a message has been read, this is set as checked and will not be considered if “Unread messages” action is reactivated.

"Add event" action

This action adds an event to phone calendar. Is activated saying “Add event [event name]”.

After, Voice Control will request the event date, that must be said in the following form:

  • [day] at [time]
  • [day]
  • “at [time]

The [day] can be specified as:

  • A weekday: Thursday, Saturday, Monday and so on
  • A weekday of the next week: Next Thursday, Next Saturday, Next Monday and so on
  • The complete date with or without year: 10 December or 20 July 2012
  • A relative date: Today, Tomorrow, The day after tomorrow

The [time] can be specified as:

  • Complete time: 20 and 30 minutes, 16 and 37, and so on
  • Only with the hour: 20, 16, and so on.

The time must be specified in 24 hours format.

If more than one calendar is found, Voice Control will ask what to use to add the event (you can specify the default calendar in Voice Control preference).

"Back" action

This action allows to go back at previous position to say another command. Is activated saying “Back”.

For example, if the “Unread messages” is activated and there are unread messages, saying “Back” you go back in main menu in order to say another action.

guida.txt · Last modified: 2014/06/10 09:44 by lukakama